Current Address
Postal Code
Mobile Phone number
Date of Birth
N.I Number
Next of Kin
Postal Code
Moble Phone number
If so, how many points?
If offered a position, will you work in any other capacity?
What date will you be available to start work?
Have you ever worked for this Company before?
Dates started
Dates ended
Position worked
*If Yes, please submit written details and dates of convictions, cautions, reprimands, final warnings,pending prosecutions, police enquiries, etc, using a sealed envelope, marked PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL, to the Recruitment Consultant..
On entering Britain what entry was put on your passport by immigration?
Visa Reference
Visa Issue Date
Visa Expiry Date
Residence permit number
Residence permit issue date
Residence permit expiry date
Work permit number
Work permit issue date
Work permit expiry date
Because this position involves the care of children and/or vulnerable adults, employment is dependent upon the following: Your written consent to obtaining a standard/enhanced disclosure certificate from the Disclosure and Barrinng Services or an approved umbrella body Such disclosure being acceptable to the company. Sufficient proof of identity and current address. Two satisfactory written references. Photographs of yourself for retention in our records and for an identification badge. Evidence of physical or mental suitability for your work.
Upload your resume, with educational background and Work History in reverse chronological order. Please include Company Name, Company Address, position worked, date started, date ended, summary of duties in your work history section.
Reasons for gaps
Languages Spoken
Please upload References in chronological order. Please include Reference name, contact details, company
I declare that the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
It is understood and agreed that any misrepresentation by me on this application form will besufficient cause for cancellation of this application and/or termination from the employer's service if I am employed.
I give the employer the right to investigate all of the references and to secure additional information about me, if job related. I hereby release from liability the employer and its representatives for seeking such information and all other persons, corporations or organisations for furnishing such information.
Full Name
Date of Declaration
Please note this section will only be seen by those involved in the recruitment process and will be treated with the strictest of confidence.
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
HealthCare Exact aims to promote equality of opportunity and is committed to treating all applicants fairly regardless of ethnicity, disability, age, gender or gender re-assignment, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity and marriage or civil partnership. Sunshine Care undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against applicants on the basis of a criminal conviction or other information declared.
Answering 'yes' to the question below will not necessarily prevent your employment. This will depend on the relevance of the information you provide in respect of the nature of the position and the particular circumstances.
Healthcare Exact Limited will only collect data for specified, explicit, and legitimate By applying for a position at Healthcare Exact Limited, you agree to allow us to collect and hold your personal information for the purpose of the recruitment process. This includes the details provided in your application, as well as any scoring or interview records if you are shortlisted. We will keep this information until the position is filled. After that, we will either delete your data or let you know that we would like to keep it for future opportunities. Your data will be securely stored in our servers and will only be used for recruitment purposes. You have the right to request our privacy policies for more information and to ask for your data to be corrected, accessed, or removed. If you have any questions or want to withdraw your consent, please contact
[email protected] .
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